Nift Tassie devil mascot

Nift has a number of commands you can use from the command line (ie. a terminal) that will help you manage and generate your projects and websites. This page has an index linking to documentation for each command.test



To use a command, enter nift command parameters or nsm command parameters in to a terminal, command prompt or power shell window.

Commands list

The commands command lists the commands available with Nift. The output will look similar to:

+--------- available commands ---------------------------------+
| commands or cmds  | list all commands                        |
| config            | configure Nift                           |
| clone             | par: clone-url                           |
| diff              | par: file-path                           |
| pull              | pull remote changes locally              |
| bcp               | par: commit-message                      |
| mbcp              | par: dir-1 .. dir-k commit-message       |
| init              | start managing project - par: (out-ext)  |
| init-html         | start managing html website              |
| status            | list updated & problem files             |
| info              | par: name-1 .. name-k                    |
| info-all          | list watched dirs & tracked files        |
| info-names        | list tracked names                       |
| info-tracking     | list tracked files                       |
| info-watching     | list watched dirs                        |
| track             | par: name (title) (template)             |
| track-from-file   | par: file-path                           |
| track-dir         | par: dir (cont-ext) (template) (out-ext) |
| untrack           | par: name                                |
| untrack-from-file | par: file-path                           |
| untrack-dir       | par: dir-path (content-ext)              |
| rmv               | par: name                                |
| rmv-from-file     | par: file-path                           |
| rmv-dir           | par: dir-path (content-ext)              |
| mve               | par: old-name new-name                   |
| cpy               | par: tracked-name new-name               |
| run               | par: (lang-opt) script-path              |
| interp            | par: (lang-opt)                          |
| sh                | par: (lang-opt)                          |
| build-names       | par: name-1 .. name-k                    |
| build(-updated)   | build updated output files               |
| build-all         | build all tracked output files           |
| serve             | serve project locally par: (sleep-sec)   |
| mve-output-dir    | par: dir-path                            |
| mve-cont-dir      | par: dir-path                            |
| new-title         | par: name new-title                      |
| new-template      | par: (name) template                     |
| new-cont-ext      | par: (name) content-ext                  |
| new-output-ext    | par: (name) output-ext                   |
| new-script-ext    | par: (name) script-ext                   |
| no-build-thrds    | par: (no-threads) [-n == n*cores]        |
| backup-scripts    | par: (option)                            |
| incr-mode         | par: (mode)                              |
| watch             | par: dir (cont-ext) (template) (out-ext) |
| unwatch           | par: dir (cont-ext)                      |
| edit or open      | par: name-1 .. name-k                    |
| medit or mopen    | par: dir-1 .. dir-k name                 |
| lolcat            | par: (options) used when no other lolcat |
|                   |                versions are installed    |

